• broken image


    Susan's ability to connect to Spirit is palpable. She is able to communicate the wisdom she receives with grounded clarity and insight. She is a true conduit for healing energies both in her skill and in her communication style. I always feel so safe with her as she guides me to a higher perspective and my issues shift instantaneously. — Tracy Rowe-Colantuono


    "Your emphasis on visionary thinking and mystical practices is both refreshing and inspiring. I appreciate the way you use laughter, wisdom and energetics to empower others and help them find their path." BW



    'I contacted Susan for support, guidance and reiki treatment after being diagnosed with cancer. Having ongoing sessions with Susan for the last year and a half has been the most impactful and healing thing I could have done for myself. I’ve seen very positive results in my health, relationships and mental and emotional state of being. She has empowered me so much with her amazing gifts of insight, wisdom and energy healing. She has taught me to view things in a deeper and more positive way which has lowered my anxiety and helped me to grow through some sad times. I’m beyond grateful to have found such a special person to help me at this particular time on my life journey. Thank you Susan! Much love!!!" KB


    "Susan is the real deal, I needed help with something I felt deeply conflicted about and she showed me the way through it. I am so happy I reached out to her. Her kindness and compassion helped me to feel I was in a safe place to share my heart. If you are conflicted, confused and need to know how things are going to turn out, Susan has the help you need!" JK


    “Hi beauty! Before closing my eyes, I want you to know what a gift you are to my soul! My life! My chakras:) More healing & clarity in our two sessions than I've had in so much time spent analyzing, therapy, and loads of everything. Thank you, thank you for sharing your wisdom & guidance & awesome vibes ” JB


    “Just wanted to thank you for your service. You have been consistent, accurate and effective. I am truly grateful for you. Thank you for doing what you do” GC


    “Hi Susan You were so right about work!!! Exactly what u said happened “ JH


    “I want to say a few special words about a terrific soul and a great spiritual advisor who has helped me in so many ways. I can’t possibly begin to thank her enough. She has always been the voice of guidance and reason that I so desperately needed at times. I strongly recommend her to anyone out there who is struggling and their life needs direction. Now that the holidays are coming Susan you help so many. I’m just fortunate to be one of them, my deepest thanks.” JT.


    "So I scheduled some time with Susan because I had some uncertainty in my life and needed some clarity. She accommodated me although I'm currently in Singapore so we used Skype. I knew her through friends of friends and decided to give her a try. I was so surprised and impressed because many of the things she had told me were so spot on it made me cry. Her words and advice were very comforting and will definitely use her again in the future and recommend her to anyone I know." TP


    Susan has been a wonderful friend to me ever since we met in the spiritual community on Facebook. I never had an experience with someone who can read energy like she does. It was kind of mind-blowing how accurate she was the first time she gave me a reading. It was so specific to my wishes and desires, it was like my inner-child was reawakened with excitement now that I KNEW what I truly wanted to go after in my life.

    Each time I visited with Susan I gave her my authentic self. The more I opened up to her with clarity, the more deep and clear her response was to me. I often came to tears because I realized I had been burying my great truths inside myself. Susan helped me dig up the tons of dirt and to find my gold.

    I even participated in one of her energy-clearing sessions in which I cannot describe without writing a book on. She really has some special and powerful gift to read energy. After the session was over, I became very clear on my childhood and the present moment. I had been ignoring my soul's desires and I now know the life I want to live.

    I don't just feel like a "client" to her, but rather a respected and loved human being. She is very truthful and does not support my excuses when I speak about any limiting beliefs I may have. She reminds me over and over of who I AM.

    Susan is truly an empowering woman with a very divine gift to help me RETURN back to the greatest version of me, my authentic-self. KJS


    You are amazing! My reading was right on! Keep on with your amazing work! JE


    I highly recommend Susan if you need a life check in. MY


    Susan gave an incredible reading!! details were spot on. I was blown away by her accuracy and loved her style and sincerity while reading me. Even after the reading and still to this day, I marvel at things that she shared that really impacted my life, my relationships and my outlook. Thank you, Susan for an incredible reading! SC


    There are very few people I have met along my journey thus far that I have felt a soul connection with, and Susan being one of them. She is a woman of authenticity, has a heart to serve, and uses her gifts with great integrity. What I appreciate about Susan is, she does not take your power away during a reading, but rather guides you back to your own truth and inner strength to create positive change in your life. Thank you Susan for sharing your gift of connecting to Spirit and the time spent during my healing session the other day! - JM


    "If you're looking for sound advice that's applicable, clarity, truth and a deeper understanding of yourself look no further. Susan will provide all of the above. I am always a skeptic at the ability of intuitive healers. Some are good and others blow me away. Susan is the latter. She is so spot on EVERY time. She can be blunt but doesn't make you feel judged. If you are ready for some major shifts then give her a call. You will be happy you did! Thanks Susan!!" - G.C


    " Wanted to tell the world about you..so here we go:

    The POWERFUL Susan Harris...the woman literally rocks physically in her body as she channels energy. Every single session she has done on me (and there has been many as she is one of my favorite healers) my mind has been blown (I am a Reiki Master and I'll be the first to admit I'm super picky about who I use as a healer!) The messages she channels make me cry, immediately, upon hearing them (every time) and it's not a sad cry, but rather a "holy-crap-she-can-see-my-soul-and-this-world-is-so-much-bigger-than-we-can fathom cry. The sessions bring you deeper with your connection to God /Spirit/Om/Universe (or whatever you call it.). or help you establish a spiritual relationship if you don't have one already. She'll bring clarity and encouragement in your life providing healing, deeply: she will help you EVOLVE as you better understand your life..i highly highly recommend many sessions with this woman." SS


    "Amazing! I so appreciate you and your gift. I have done long distance reiki sessions before buy have never received anything so thorough from anyone. Every bit resonated so strongly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"



    "Thanks so much to Susan for helping me shift so deep rooted issues and supporting me to see what has happening to me physically and emotionally and helping with some skills to shift it and move forward. Much gratitude to you."


    "Susan - You were the answer to my prayers for clear messages from my guides, so thank you."

    "Powerful and insightful information, thanks for practicing on me."

    "Thank you so so much Susan! You blew me away again, so helpful and so spot on. Thank you, thank you so much!!!!!"

    "Thank you Susan for my reading yesterday. It was right on the mark."

    "Thank you so much Susan for the amazing reading, the confirmation I received and the tips from the guides have given me a wonderful sense of calm. You are amazing..."



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