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    Yo Soy Noqan Kani, Susan

    Intuitive Guide, Shamanic Practitioner, Channel, Psychic, Teacher, Traveler


    Yo soy noqan kani is a greeting, an introduction of sorts that is from the Quechua tradition. It is taught when connecting to the Apu's, the Nustas, Spirit. Here I am, this is me.


    The journey I am on has been and is about untethering, discovering experiencing, opening, freeing and witnessing.

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    As an aspect of Divine Love I have learned to open myself in a way to communicate, receive, expand and connect to multidimensional energies. I continue to learn the expression of the Great I AM, Source, God, Spirit, the One known by many names and share the wisdom and healings that flows through me.


    My story is of opening. We are here to Remember our truest essence. Here is a brief unfolding of my journey.

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    From as early as I can remember, I felt everything deeply. We live in a world that often encourages us to shut down our inner voices, but now we're entering a new era, calling us back to our true nature. The questions you can no longer ignore are getting louder, and I’ve learned, that while evolving can be uncomfortable, it's essential for our growth and Remembrance.

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    For much of my life, I conformed to what others expected because of a deep sense of unworthiness. I hid my heightened awareness and intuitive gifts. It wasn't until my 40s, during a personal storm, that I found the courage to embrace these aspects of myself. Facing trials and tribulations, I reached a turning point. Stuck in an unhealthy relationship, I heard a voice reminding me, "There is more to this life." During this tumultuous time, I lost my corporate job, our family home was foreclosed, and I worried about providing for my two kids. My vision for moving forward was clouded by fear and self-doubt, but this voice led me forward.

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    I embarked on a journey to understand myself, seeking wisdom from master teachers. I enhanced my gifts of sight, developed my psychic and channeling abilities, and immersed myself in energy healing, tarot, yoga, sound healing, Reiki, Shamanism, and herbalism. I realized I was shifting from living a life dictated by fate to one shaped by my destiny. Fate is the story written by others, while destiny is the story you write for yourself. 

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    My intuition grew stronger, and I began experiencing synchronicities. I became a clearer conduit for Divine Love and stepped into the role of an Intuitive and Shamanic Healer. Now, I guide others to connect with their highest selves. 


    As a life coach, I invite you to go beyond the surface during our sessions. Through me, Divine Love offers feedback and support to liberate you from fear and lead you to remember your true essence. Together, we will release stagnant emotions and energy that no longer serve you, allowing you to move forward with courage, joy, love, and freedom.


    Are you ready to change your world and embrace your true nature? Let's embark on this journey together.

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    "It is only through shadows that one comes to know the light."

    St. Catherine of Siena


    "There is no light without darkness and no darkness without light." unknown

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    Do you continue to hide yourself and pretend or feel the discomfort pushing you to be seen and to step?


    Remembrance is your invitation to lead you through.

  • We attract what we hold onto, often without realizing it. We only see the results, not the underlying causes. Understanding how and why we create our realities, free of blame or judgment, is one of the greatest services we can give ourselves.


    Life is a continual evolution, a spiral. Nothing is finite. Shifting and recalibrating the inner self to align with true essence and beliefs reveals that each person's place in life is perfect just as it is. It doesn’t need acceptance or denial from anyone.


    As you gain more self-awareness of your own creation, and as you shift your vibration and how you show up in your journey, you regain control and move forward at full speed towards your highest destiny. Embrace the great Creator that you are.